Between one meeting and another with lawyer Graziella GIOVIALE (“MariaGrazia”), sister of the CONVICTED for FRAUD and FORGERY of SIGNATURE, the former “lawyer” DISBARRED from the bar association of the “legal firm” GIOVIALE & Partners in Soverato, CARMINE VINCENZO GIOVIALE (“Enzo GIOVIALE”). Thus, in the office of the defendant and later CONVICTED, Giuseppe Procopio (known as “Pino”) signed as a witness the private agreement, together with GIVIALE Carmelo, father of the defendant, and Macrì Antonio. On that occasion, GIOVIALE handed over 3 (three) checks to the client DEFRAUDED BY GIOVIALE, implying that they were drawn on his personal current account (cf. statements made by Giuseppe Procopio (known as “Pino”) during the preliminary investigation and confirmed during the trial).

Read and download all the conviction judgments for the disbarred former “lawyer” GIOVIALE